Translation from German

German is used by almost 100 million native speakers mainly in Germany, Switzerland and Austria. From the point of view of linguistic diffusion, German occupies ninth place in the list of the most widely spoken languages in the world. German is one of the official languages of the EU. German is also the second most widely used language in the writing of scientific works, and it is estimated that 28% of existing books are written in German.

In this context, the importance of German is considerable both economically and commercially as well as culturally.

Translation Services

This is the list of translation services offered by 001 Translations into or from this language.

Legal Translation Website Translation
Technical Translation SAP Translation
Commercial Translation IT Translation
Scientific Translation New Technologies Translations
Medical Translation Sustainable Development Translation

Target Languages

If the target language (language of destination) you are looking for in your translation project is not in this list, contact us for a customised answer.

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  • Dari
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  • English
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  • Moldovan
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  • Sylheti
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  • Tigrinya
  • Traditional Chinese
  • Turkish
  • Ukrainian
  • Urdu
  • Valencian
  • Vietnamese